Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello from Canada

Hello, I'm Susie from Something I Made Earlier. I'm originally from Wales and I'm now living in Saskatchewan. I'm really excited to share my ideas and take a look at what everyone else is doing. I've only just started blogging, but this will be my second handmade Christmas as last year I knitted something for everyone. This was a lot more work than it sounds as I had to have everything posted to the UK by Dec 1st and madly decided to make a lot of mittens and socks. I'm hoping this year will be a lot less stressful as I now own a sewing machine and intend to do a lot of instant gratification gifts. As long as Etsy delivers the fabric on time I will be making:
  • Super Simple Scarves for all the ladies on the list. I came across the tutorial from Stitches in Play and it appealed as it is a) quick and b) cheap, using only 1/2 yard of fabric which means I have been able to use some lovely Amy Butler for everyone.
  • Socks for The Husband. The rather fabulous pattern is from Penguin Purls and they were originally supposed to be for his birthday in March, but what with one thing and another (I am easily distracted) they are yet to be finished. In this case his short attention span and terrible memory will actually work in my favour as I seriously doubt he has noticed I have been knitting them all year.
  • My brother has always been terrible to choose gifts for. Now he lives in Australia and I (to my shame) have used the postal dates as an excuse not to give him anything the last few years. This must change! But what do you make for a man who will be having a summer Christmas? As he's pretty stylish I have decided on a mobius cowl, and I'm hoping to find a nice linen-based yarn to knit up loosely so at least it will be about right for his autumn.
  • And then there's the idea. Seriously. Fingerless mitts, maybe? But can I get them done in time? Oh, the stress!
Thanks for having me on board, there will be pictures next time I promise!

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